Play with Multiplication

العب مع الضرب

Play with Subtraction

ألعب مع الطرح

العب مع القسمة

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Play with Division is an attractive and practical boom designed to teach children the basics of division. This book is one of the six titles that form a well-developed programmar designed to support schoolwork and make learning fun. Each page demonstrates a different mathematical concept and provides example calculations. When your child has grasped each concept and understood it, they can complete the practice calculations
متوفر: متوفر
Play with Division is an attractive and practical boom designed to teach children the basics of division. This book is one of the six titles that form a well-developed programmar designed to support schoolwork and make learning fun. Each page demonstrates a different mathematical concept and provides example calculations. When your child has grasped each concept and understood it, they can complete the practice calculations
المزيد من المعلومات
ISBN 9786144229347
اللغة إنكليزي
Weight 0.130000
الغلاف غلاف ورقي
القياس 27x20
كتابة مراجعتك
انت تقيم:العب مع القسمة