I Count to 100

أعد الى 100

Play with Division

العب مع القسمة

العب مع الضرب

٣٫٠٠ US$
Play with Multiplication is an attractive and practical book designed to teach children the basics of multiplication. Starting with some revision of addition and subtraction, it then leads the child on to simple multiplication with the help of numerous eye-catching pictures and activities.
متوفر: متوفر
Play with Multiplication is an attractive and practical book designed to teach children the basics of multiplication. Starting with some revision of addition and subtraction, it then leads the child on to simple multiplication with the help of numerous eye-catching pictures and activities.
المزيد من المعلومات
ISBN 9786144229330
اللغة إنكليزي
Weight 0.130000
الغلاف غلاف ورقي
القياس 27x20
كتابة مراجعتك
انت تقيم:العب مع الضرب